Per for mance and events have held a lar ge space in my per sonal ar t histor y and now is the time for a new ventur e.
You ar e invited to par ticipate in a 4-day per for mance tour held in September thr oughout par ts of Flor ida . Both new and or iginal Fluxus scor es will be per for med and documented in this fun tour , star ting nor th in St Peter sbur g and then heading east and south. Keith Buchholz and Reed Altemus have enthusiastically signed on alr eady. The itiner ar y:
9/11 - Ar tpool Galler y, Toy Stor ey mail ar t show opening or ganized by Jennifer K for mer ly Jennifer Z - 9:29 pm St Peter sbur g – contact her for details at jennifer
9/13 –Kennedy Space Center – head down to Jupiter
9/14 –Bur t Reynolds Museum - Jupiter
9/14 – Flor ida Atlantic Univer sity - Boca Raton Campus
And planning a DADA night venue - tba
Exit 9/15
FAU is ver y enthusiastic about the per for mance event ther e and it coincides with an exhibition of my 80’s wor k and a ser ies of guest lectur es (see ar If you would like to par ticipate in this tour or par t of it, please contact Ginny Lloyd at to sign on and for mor e info. If you want to check out past events I’ve or ganized see Inter and ginnylloyd.blogspo