Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Call for mail art

Call for mail art - the theme of 30 years later:
1984 - 2014 Inter DADA 84 Lives On
Due November 1st 2013
A collage curated exhibition will go into the Inter DADA 84 book
Must have address to: Inter DADA 84
PO Box 1424
Jupiter, Floridada 33468

This is a chance for those who missed it to participate. Accepting commemorative artistamps, postcards, posters, photos, articles, visual poetry, DADA objects (no porn) 

Note: Videos and sound of the 84 event are planned to accompany the book. Short 30 sec to 2 minute pieces will also be accepted for this call and if possible will be posted on this site. Technical sound/video editors I could use your help with this if you can!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Official Festival Poster

Copies signed and numbered are for sale at $20 [plus shipping using PayPal.

Cavellini Car Raffle Tickets

Victoria Theater Poster

Inter DADA 84 Kit

Cardboard box painted with black, white, orange, pink, and other enamels, decorated with stamps, and labeled: "INTER DADA 84 KIT" fashioned with a nylon rope handle into a briefcase-like carrier with a nylon strip latch. Inside is a collection of clippings, printed pieces, posters, a t-shirt, and other assorted items from the INTER-DADA '84 festival of San Francisco.

With poster.

32 x 47 x 8 cm.

This is a kit I made from the posters and shirts, etc from Inter DADA 84 event. I made a few boxes and painted them to hold everything in. Photos from the Getty collection, Jean Brown Archive.