Notes and stories about the Inter DADA 84 event in San Francisco, California during September of 1984.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Walter Alter Responds
InterDada '84... I am possessed by a demon flood of mnemonics, like an SFPD tazer to my third eye, man. It was a hot, sweaty, writhing Karo syrup wrestling pit of aesthetics, a Yucutan Spring Break of the collective Schwittergeist, a juggernaut of mirth and mania, a glorious din echoing the concrete canyons where Ad...renaline and Endorphia tangoed like shattered glass and shredded recaps on the Interstate. The heat of our loins rose and billowed as the ashes of Pinatubo overthrew the Throne of Saturn with itchy blindness, fits of sneezing and glossolalia. Many lost limbs, some their minds and the Earth still shudders in bliss.
"That event was very formative in my art career. The use of the TV's at the Victoria launched me on my sculpture installation gig that lasted for 8-9 years and defined me as an artist. I feel so lucky to have been part of the SF underground art scene at that time and to have done art that really made an impression. A week didn't go by that I didn't have a sculpture in some rave venue or SOMA art space somewhere in town. My career has not been insignificant, and if I had been a little more savvy about schmoozing and playing the game, I might have ended up on the money wheel. As it was, with the Batcave (ed note: scooter repair shop) being at the hub of a youth subculture and my busy installation schedule, I can imagine no cooler, hipper, more beautiful time in any artist's life. So thanks, InterDada 84 was profound to me and I am grateful that you played that kind of role in my life."
Walter was a substitute father figure and mentor to many young people at the time. Check out more about the SF youth scene in the 80s and the large scooter culture, influenced by SF's previous Beat and Mod subcultures, at his Web site.
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